Pony Parties at Scropton

What better way to celebrate your birthday than to party with ponies!

We offer different party packages, all available on Saturday afternoons only. Packages include use of a party room including time to decorate beforehand and tidy up afterwards. You will need to bring your own cake, food & drink.

All children coming to the party will receive a Pony Party Certificate.

Team Sootie Party Package

2 hours, Β£25 per child, min of 8 up to max of 12 children (includes party child)

🐴 Meet & Greet – Hat fitting, safety talk

🐴 20 mins Pony Care- Grooming

🐴 40 mins Pony Games (in groups of up to 6, 20 mins per group)

🐴 60 mins Party Room

Team April Party Package

2 hours, Β£25 per child, min of 8 up to max of 12 children (includes party child)

🐴 Meet & Greet – Hat fitting, safety talk

🐴 20 mins Pony Care- Grooming

🐴 40 mins Party Agility (in groups of up to 6, 20 mins per group)

🐴 60 mins Party Room

Team Hercules Party Package

3 hours, Β£35 per child, min of 8 up to max of 12 children (includes party child)

🐴 Meet & Greet – Hat fitting, safety talk

🐴 40 mins Pony Pamper- Pamper– glitter & plaiting – get ready to party!

🐴 50 mins Pony Games (in groups of up to 6, 20 mins per group)

🐴 90 mins Party Room


🐴 Pony craft activity in the Party Room : £5 per child (materials provided, unsupervised)

🐴 Pony Party Rosettes : £3 per child

Terms & Conditions:

All children must be age 6 or older for mainstream, age 5 or older for additional needs

A participant form must be completed for each child at least 4 days before the date of the party

Hats are to be worn at all times around the ponies. If own hat is used it will be checked against current safety standards

Suitable footwear & clothing to be worn (information sheet provided)

Party Room to be left tidy and free of rubbish.

Please get in touch with us at enquiries@scroptonequestrian.com or phone 01283 812753 for more information and availability